

Separador de metal

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Separador de metales para copos de maíz con pesadora multicabezal

Separador de metales para copos de maíz con pesadora multicabezal

A corn flakes manufacturer approached us with a specific need for a metal detection system in their production line. Their process involves using a multi-head weigher to portion out roughly equal amounts of corn flakes, which then pass through a metal separator to ensure no metal contaminants are present before packaging. They require a reliable metal separation solution to integrated into their existing workflow.

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Our metal separators are versatile and can be either integrate into production lines or used as standalone units with hoppers and frames. Since the material being processed is food, we recommended our Model B separator, which offers higher precision and features food-grade Teflon lining  on surfaces that come into contact with the product.

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Our metal separators support various connection types, including clamp connections, flange connections, and soft connections, depending on the specific requirements of the production line. We will access the clients’ on-site conditions and recommend the most suitable one.

Dongguan Coso Electronic Tech Co., Ltd





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