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metal separator for plastic pellets price

Did you know that when making products, metals can blend into plastic pellets and cause major issues? These issues can occur due to small metal parts occasionally embedded in the raw materials used to create plastic. Little pieces of metal might even be from a broken-off machine in the manufacturing process. A metal separator is a very convenient tool, because the only way to prevent that is by using it.

Metal SeparatorA metal separator is a specialized machine that detects and removes all types of metals from plastic pellets. It scans plastic pellets as they travel along the production line, catching any metal bits. We have low cost metal separators at COSO which is very essential for plastic pellet cleaning and safety. Clean plastic pellets are also the key to creating high-quality products, so this step is crucial both before and during production.

Maximize your production with cost-effective metal separators

COSO metal separators are simple to use and enable you to produce multiples without making a mess. Our machine plugs directly into your production line, no stopping work or wasting time. In fact, separating your metal from the plastic you are sorting makes it possible to produce high-quality plastic pellets without the need for you to stop your production line at all. That way everything goes smoothly and you can check that the pellets are free from metal.

Why choose COSO metal separator for plastic pellets price?

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