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Pemeriksa Berat untuk Wafel

Pemeriksa Berat untuk Wafel

A waffle manufacturer approached us with a request to integrate a weighing machine into their production line. Their waffles are produced as whole sheets, measuring approximately 360 mm in length, 500 mm in width, and 20 mm in height. To accommodate these dimensions, we custom-designed the weighing section to ensure accurate and efficient weighing before the waffles are cut into individual portions.

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One of the challenges in this application was the high temperature of the freshly baked waffles, which could cause them to stick to the conveyor belt over time, just as below.

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To address this issue, we incorporated a scraping mechanism beneath the belt. This device efficiently removes any accumulated waffle crumbs, preventing them from adhering to the belt and ensuring smooth, uninterrupted operation.

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Dongguan Coso Elektronik Tech Co., Ltd


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