Did you ever wonder how plastic toys, containers, and other products are created? It begins with small pellets of plastic. Those small pieces are melted and formed into different shapes. This is kind of interesting, but it’s important to note: sometimes these plastic pellets contain metal. This metal can render the end item dangerous for people to use.
There are a couple ways that metal can wind up in plastic pellets. One way would be at some point in the manufacturing process, when things may not entirely be clean. The other source is from recycled materials. The recycled plastics can also carry slivers of metal that are virtually invisible to the human eye. Because we can’t always see them, these chunks of metal can create big problems when the plastic is melted and reformulated into something new. And that’s why we need special machines that sort plastic pellets!
COSO, manufacturers of these detectors devise a special plastic granule metal detector. This device uses powerful magnetic fields capable of detecting even the smallest bits of metal buried within plastic pellets. Manufacturers can ensure that their plastic is entirely metal free before proceeding through the rest of the making process with this technology. This helps to keep everyone safe while also ensuring product quality.
The COSO plastic pellet metal detector is an ideal solution for detecting metal contaminants present in plastic packaging materials. Modern technology such as this serves to keep products free of contamination, making them safe for use by all people. When companies utilize this detector, they can rest assured that their packaging is clean and safe for people.
Using these contaminated plastic pellets can be a big problem for a company. If a company produces articles made with plastic which contains metal parts, it may be detrimental to the image of that company. People may not want to buy products made by a company that makes dangerous products. The metal can also damage cranking machines those products are made from. Over time, metal can damage the machinery itself — resulting in costly repairs — and slow production.
That’s where the COSO plastic pellet metal detector comes into play. It works as an additional preventive mechanism against the latter, making this important tool. It detects metal before it can enter the machines and help prevent damage to that equipment. Also using this detector companies avoid the risk of downtime and ensure continued production of quality products. This not only prevents harm to the equipment but retains a positive image for the company.
The COSO plastic granule metal detector is designed to search for tiny metal fragments in plastic granule blends. It uses intelligent technology that can identify the good particles versus the great particles. Only the contaminated materials would be removed from the production line, and the good granules are retained for making products.
Dongguan Coso Electronic Tech Co., Ltd has been metal detector for plastic graunlesmore than 18 years. We have manufactured every kind metal detector, check weigher machines, and other electronic devices in accordance to the specifications of customers. And we have own engineer teams provide appropriate solutions customers quickly. We can alter conveyor belt height width between belt floor and also every kind of rejection systems according customer's usage. More than 80 nations trade with our equipment.
Dongguan Coso Electronic Tech Co., Ltd is a leading manufacturer since 2005 metal detectors we offer of high sensitivity and metal detector for plastic graunlesquality. is easy to operate thanks to modular design and friendly HMI. assist customers in learning how to operate machines they will be provided with instruction manuals videos. machines come with a 1 year warranty. Also, free spare parts can be provided. If your machine is damaged it can be fixed by replacing spare parts.
Dongguan Coso Electronic Tech Co., Ltd este un producător profesionist, înființat în 2005. Putem oferi soluții pentru uz profesional, care să satisfacă cerințele clienților la costuri competitive. Avem o echipă de ingineri și proiectare cu experiență, cu aceasta, putem personaliza mașinile în funcție de cerințele și bugetele clienților. De asemenea, lucrătorii noștri sunt în mare parte instruiți, ceea ce garantează calitatea mașinii și livrarea 100% la timp. Înainte de livrare, fiecare mașină va fi inspectată pentru a se asigura că este de cea mai înaltă calitate. Mașinile noastre au costuri reduse de utilizare și întreținere. Toate utilajele noastre vin cu o garanție de un an, iar piesele de schimb sunt disponibile în perioada de garanție. De asemenea, mașinile noastre vin cu certificare CE și au fost exportate în peste 80 de țări din întreaga lume.
Dongguan Coso Electronic Tech Co., Ltd este un producător de produse electronice din 2005. Fabrica noastră este întinsă pe 4000 de metri pătrați. Avem peste 18 ani de experiență în fabricarea unei varietăți de detectoare de metale, cum ar fi detectoare de metale transportoare, precum și detectoare de metale cu cădere liberă. Sunt disponibile și mașini de cântărire pentru a satisface nevoile clientului. Coso are proprii ingineri profesioniști și echipă de proiectare care poate oferi clienților soluții adecvate într-un timp scurt. Mașinile noastre sunt extrem de sensibile și ușor de utilizat. Putem oferi un singur ghișeu de cumpărare a produselor diversificate, inclusiv detectoare de metale, cântărire de control, separator de metale și sistem de inspecție cu raze X. În plus, oferim o echipă cuprinzătoare de asistență post-vânzare care îi ajută pe clienții noștri să-și rezolve problemele.